

Welcome to etophe.com!

Today, on September 1st, 2023, we are thrilled to launch our brand-new website, etophe.com.

Our website's name, "etophe", is inspired by the French word "étoffe," which means "fabric." It's a nod to our French heritage.

For our launch, we're focusing on these fantastic products: tote bags, large tote bags, long scarfs, and square scarfs. Keep an eye on our site because we'll be regularly adding more products!

We've chosen to follow the "print-on-demand" business model, which means we only produce items as they're ordered. This helps us reduce excess stock and waste. Which is a good thing for the planet. Additionally, our products are shipped directly to you from the production site, further reducing our environmental footprint.

When you place an order, our trusted manufacturer will print, sew, or assemble your items and then ship them to you. This process may take a few days, but we believe the quality of our designs will be worth the wait. We'll do our best to keep you updated throughout.

Lastly, our website is powered by the trusted and secure Shopify, and we accept a wide range of online payment methods.

Happy shopping!

P.S: If you like my post and my work, lets stay in touch! Subscribe to my newsletter and follow me on social media. A little help from you goes a long way! Have a great day.

Raphael from Etophe

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