Can our diet impact our wellbeing?

Can our diet impact our wellbeing?

Dear Creative Friends,

Today, I want to share a personal reflection that I believe resonates deeply with many of us as consumers and creators. Often, we encounter beautifully crafted brand images without truly understanding who the people behind them are. It's crucial to know who we support with our choices and what values they uphold.

In that spirit, I'd like to offer you a glimpse into my daily choices.

Recently, I discovered a significant link between diet and mental clarity. Studies suggest that excessive sugar intake not only exacerbates this scattered thinking but also contributes to mood swings and even depression. The addictive nature of sugar triggers our brain's reward system, compelling us to consume more—an evolutionary trait from times when sweet foods were scarce.

Having done a bit of research on nutrition, I was astonished to learn that our bodies can thrive without daily refined sugars or high-glycemic foods like wheat. By eliminating these from my diet and focusing on natural, unprocessed food, such as vegetables and the occasional fruit, I've experienced a remarkable improvement in mental focus and emotional stability.

My current diet is abundant in vegetables, healthy fats like olive and coconut oils, nuts, and omega-3s. I drink only water, milk and plain tea. I try to grow some of my food: tomatoes, herbs, plants with edible leaves. I think it has a very positive impact on my microbiome. And of course I try to buy organic food as much as possible! 

I understand this conversation extends beyond art and interiors, yet I believe it's essential. By rethinking our relationship with food, we can challenge paradigms and reconnect with a healthier diet. Many of those food related paradigms were very recently introduced. If you have a sweet tooth, nothing will replace sugar and cutting it out from your diet will be challenging, but it is so rewarding once you have done it. 

If my journey resonates with you, I invite you to do some research on a low sugar diet, and I don't mean replacing sugar with sweeteners. I mean coming back to a type of nutrition that we have been designed for.

Let's continue this dialogue—subscribe to my newsletter, follow me on social media, and together, let's inspire positive change.

Warm regards,

Raphael from Etophe

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